Closet before renovation
This spring ( 2013 ) I concluded an involvement with a group of volunteers contributing to the work of Girls Giving Back, an organization that helps support the Seattle area shelter community. We built shelving units that were installed in closets in apartments in a women’s shelter operated by Solid Ground. We worked nearly every Saturday for about 2 ½ years.
It was a rewarding experience on several levels.
The residents of the shelter now have ample storage for their transitional stay at the shelter. Closet shelving is often combined with a complete apartment redecoration by the Girls Giving Back crew. There are examples of the shelter apartment restorations on Girls Giving Back website, look under “GGB Projects/Solid Ground”. www.girlsgivingback.org

Closet after renovation
Our cabinet building volunteers mostly began with little or no woodworking experience. They worked hard, had fun, all learned some woodworking skills and a few became quite skilled.
In the spirit of the program Edensaw Woods and Woodcraft of Georgetown contributed supplies at very deep discounts.
I was privileged to work with a dedicated, interesting and fun group of volunteers. I’m glad the project is finished but I do miss working with that crew.